
A passionate performer, Wangari Grace infuses her stories with song, dance, chants and other performance delicacies to create an intimate interaction with her audiences. She has vast experience sharing stories to a variety of platforms in Kenya. She has toured India, Iran, Germany, Sweden, Tanzania and Somaliland telling stories and conducting workshops.

Wangari The Storyteller has been featured in the following festivals:

2023: Zürcher Spektakel Theater, Zürich- Switzerland

2023: Multicity Tour around Germany with a Special Project

2022: Under the Aalamaram Storytelling Festival, Chennai – India

2021: Scottish International Storytelling Festival 

2021: NBO LitFest by The Book Bunk, Kenya

2021: Sharjah International Narrators Forum, UAE

2021: Chennai International Storytelling Festival, India 

2021: National Storytelling Network, USA  

2020: Scottish International Storytelling Festival

2020: Rusinga Cultural Festival 

2019: Ljungby Storytelling Festival, Sweden

2018: DAMADIKIYA World Storytelling Celebrations, Hyderabad – India

2018: Bhubaneswar Storytelling Festival, Orissa – India

2018: Reimagined Storytelling Festival, Nairobi – Kenya

2017: Hargeysa International Book Fair, Somaliland

2016: International Storytelling Festival, Iran

2015: Storymoja Festival, Kenya

2014: Sigana International Storytelling Festival, Kenya & Storymoja Hay Festival, Kenya

2013: Sigana International Storytelling Festival, Kenya & Storymoja Hay Festival, Kenya.

2012: Sigana International Storytelling Festival, Kenya & Storymoja Hay Festival, Kenya.

2011: Sigana International Storytelling Festival, Kenya

2010: Fabula Storytelling Festival, Sweden.

She has also done storytelling for Television, both for children’s show and general audience programs. She is currently featured weekly on Big Minds program on KBC TV.

She champions reading for pleasure among children and young people, and has authored more than 20 children’s books.